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Woman Saves A Baby Elephant And He Started To Love Her Very Much

People commonly choose pets like cats, dogs, parrots, turtles, or fish, but encountering someone with a pet elephant is quite rare. These majestic creatures typically belong in the wild, but an extraordinary friendship unfolded when a baby elephant found its way into the home of a compassionate woman.

At ANIMAL NEWS, we were captivated by the unique bond between a baby elephant and a woman, and their story is truly remarkable.

Roxy Danckwerts, the founder of Wild Is Life, an animal sanctuary in Zimbabwe, stumbled upon a lost baby elephant while working. The calf had nearly drowned in a river, separated from its herd during a crossing, and its health was in critical condition.

Discovered at the shores of Lake Kariba, the efforts to reunite the elephant with its herd proved futile due to the absence of elephants in the vicinity. At just a few days old, fragile, scared, and alone, Roxy decided to nurse the elephant back to health, never anticipating that they would develop an inseparable friendship.

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Rescued in February 2014, the baby elephant was severely underweight, weighing only 56 kg, while a typical African elephant calf should weigh around 90–100 kg. The initial weeks were challenging due to the trauma, making his survival a miraculous feat.

Roxy dedicated extensive time to the baby elephant, providing 18 liters of specialized formula daily. Their bond strengthened as they spent countless hours together, even sharing sleep. Consequently, the baby elephant, now named Moyo, grew deeply fond of Roxy, following her every step.

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Five years have passed, and Moyo is rapidly growing. His name, meaning “Of The Heart” in African, reflects the deep connection he shares with Roxy, whom he regards as a second mother. Despite his size, Moyo insists on staying close to Roxy, even if the house no longer accommodates him.

While there’s ample space for Moyo to explore the wildlife sanctuary, he appears content inside the house, frequently visiting the kitchen for snacks like peanuts, brownies, and salt, showing a peculiar interest in silverware.

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Moyo’s near-drowning incident left him traumatized, particularly with a fear of swimming. Roxy, his devoted guardian, aided in his recovery. After 15 months of therapy, Moyo triumphantly overcame his fear of swimming.

Thanks to the altruistic efforts of the Zimbabwe sanctuary, Moyo, along with other orphaned and injured animals, receives special care, love, and attention to overcome their fears and traumas.

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Roxy’s unwavering love and dedication played a pivotal role in Moyo’s journey to becoming a healthy and joyful elephant.

Do you believe the world needs more individuals like Roxy? What are your thoughts on her extraordinary bond with Moyo? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.

Preview photo credit wildislife_zen / Instagram

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